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Should Parents Help with Homework

The debate on should parents help with homework seem not to be ending anytime soon. There are several conflicting views on the practice, with those for and against having their concepts on how homework should be done. But the act is not new and may never end. The question now is how and when parents should extend such help to kids.

As a parent, would you want to help your children do their homework or not? Some parents believe that staying off their kid's homework helps them to be independent in their studies and build a problem-solving mentality. Nevertheless, others believe that helping with homework is a way to monitor their children's performance in school. It helps them identify the strength and weaknesses of their kids. So, how do you ensure a balance in this situation?

What’s your child’s performance level

Not all students may require help when doing their homework, but some may need it always. So the answer to, should parents help with homework, is dependent on the performance or intellect of your child. An academically weak performing child must always get assistance in doing homework, to prevent him/her from developing apathy towards it. But how do you find a balance in when and when not to help? As a parent, you should devise a better strategy on how to improve your kids. There are several options to choose from, including absolutely or partial involvement.

How to help your child in doing homework

What is your decision now? Do you still want to provide your kids with astronomy homework help? If your answer is yes, then you should be ready for the roller coaster because you may have several hurdles to overcome. How do you find the correct answers to questions? Here are a few steps to follow when helping your child with the home task.

  1. Don’t be absorbed in it

It is your child’s homework, not yours, so don’t be engrossed in it. It is better to teach your kid how to solve the question than doing it for them. Teachers assign homework for a reason, and through it, they can assess the strength and weaknesses of students. So doing the homework for your kid would create a false impression about their performance.

  1. Discuss it with their teacher

Students spend 8 hours in school, which is 1/3 of the day. As such, teachers get to know them more and can identify what they are good at. Collaborating with them would, therefore, equip you with the best way to help your kid.

  1. Set a rule

Before you attempt helping your child in their homework, make things clear with them. Agree on a rule as to how much help you can offer and what you expect from them. Making this clear would ensure they don’t feel complacent because you are there to help. They will put in much effort as they were doing it alone.

  1. Review their classwork

Your child’s performance in the classroom should reflect on their homework. If they perform poorly in class, their teacher wouldn’t expect overnight magic with homework. Therefore reviewing your child’s classwork can help you in determining how you can help in homework.
